Do you service R.V.'s on-site?
Yes, we sure do. You can find our schedule for servicing our area campgrounds on the “Local Campgrounds” page. We visit most campgrounds once or twice a week, and are available to open or close your sites as well. Give us a call at 613-392-0495 if you have any questions or want to schedule a service appointment.
Are you open year-round?
Yes, Steve Sweet’s R.V. and Parts Depot is open all year, and when we’re not taking care of R.V.’s in the summer, we install and service snow plows in the winter. So, rest assured if you’re traveling any time of year we try to be available to help you with your recreational needs!
Do you have booths at local events?
Sweet R.V. booths are set up at a few local popular events where lots of R.V.’ers attend. Most recently we were at the Havelock Jamboree, and we vist the Burl’s Creek Automotive Flee Market as well. Check out our “Blog” to see where we’ll be next!
Do you provide estimates?
Estimates can be provided on-site or here at our shop. Set up a service time and we’ll be happy to help you get back on the road as quickly, cost-effectively and cheerfully as possible!